heyhey everyone... i just got back from my uncle's house..
niways today went to meet my baby izzy... hahak.. decided to call him baby now.. we were like dunno where to go.. got no plans but want to meet.. i was like stress cos mum was'nt happy that i'm gg too often w ny baby izzy... but in the end she also gg out... as usual, i will always 'dress up' on our special date.. today isnt a date but it marks the 3 mth tho its belated... so i wore differently today... waited for him at wdlands int... he did'nt recognise me... he was dress real casual cos we r not gg anywhere.. he was even scared to walk w me.. he felt guilty for wearing so casual... but i dun mind... initially he dun want to hold me cos he was paiseh.. hahaha.. aft make him comfy.. he wont stop holding me.. hahaha...
so we went to cwp only... went to timezone... boring tho... cos we've been there like alot of times.. played a few games... than we decided to go off.. he thought that his mum was working.. so he wanted us to lepak at his hse since its only 5plus.. so we bought snacks and 2 double cheese burger... than took the bus to his hse.. hahaha.. but we realise that she took leave today.. so we decided to go lepak somewhere else.. bought drinks than lepak at a few place..
we than go to this playground that have a street soccer court.. we sat and watch this father n daughter play football.. than when they left, we played frisbie.. play it like soccer... fun but tiring.. than played with bottle cap... even fun.. kick it like a ball...
than we went to this shop.. bought drinks.. he bought mineral water... he so idiot sia!! he pour water on me.. wth!!! hahahah... than we lepak at bustop... missed 5 bus and took pics of us togather than left for my uncle's place...
reach uncle's place at 8.15pm... chat so long w my aunt n nana... n eat damn alot.. now i'm supper bloated... hhahhaa...
niways these are the photos for today... enjoy...
Masturah @ 11:52 PM