heyhey... got home early today.. sch was short n sweet... start at 8am and end at 11am... cool huh? hahahah.. was suppose to end at 2.30pm.. but s.w ws canceled n the 2hr lesson is shorten to 1 hr.. hahhaha...
was suppose to meet baby... i told him sch end at 12... but cos it end so early, i called him.. but was told he was still sleeping... so i decided to go wdlands wait for him... went to wdlands w mar n her bf, ammar... went to the library to study for tmr's exam... when i reached wdlands that baby msg me... hahahha... so met him at 1.. studied till 3pm than go off...
we went to adm to have our lunch at kfc... was supper hungry that i kept complaining every min... when i saw the food, i felt real happy.. hahahha... eat is good, food is good.. yummy.. hahhahk...
aft eating went arnd the neighbourhood to parkour... bby told me to do it but i was hesitent cos of no confident.. than he make me do some physical thing to overcome my fear... n it did... wohooo... so did a lil parkour n he took pic of me doing it... yeah man...
than baby wanted to play soccer with me... so we went to his hse to change shoe... his mum is at home, having her off day.. so we went to the field across the road and play soccer... gerek... for the first time i enjoyed soccer so much... probably cos i wore shoe instead of slipper... but only spoil is, i wore my skirt... hahahhaha... i was like kicking n running... felt good man... he tot me some trick but boy its hard.. hard... he told me one day when we both ready, he will teach me how to play soccer.. hahhaha.. yay...
shortly after the game, we went home.. went back to his hse to change back to my slipper n take my bag... was sweating so bad... wanted to leave immedietly cos i want to go home early.. but baby n his mum told me to take a shower first... i didnt want initially but he forced me... he lend me his shirt n pass me a towel... now with me, i have 4 of his shirt.. hhahha... n two of my shoe is there... hahhaa... he took a shower than we left..
he sent me to the bustop... missed 3 bus than go home... reach home at 8... stupid sia! my internet have some problem.. its supper lagging... but now ok already.. but still quite slow...
niways, here are the pics...
tmr i'm having my final paper which is Customer Relationship Management.. n to me is the hardest of all... oh gosh.. niways baby promise to fetch me tmr from sch.. n i promised him to wear my yellow shoe... it belongs to my late bro's n its now mine.. have not worn it...
k la, i better go n study now since my internet is damn slow... kk, bye..
izzuddin.. i love you madly!!!!
Masturah @ 8:45 PM

masturah sayangkan izzuddin...
mas nak bau ketiak die...
mas rindu pegang muke die...
mas nak manje die...
mas nak peluk izzuddin kuat2...
mas sayang sangat2 kat izzuddin...
mas nak izz tidur ngan mas
jadi my bntal peluk k baby...
mas nak izz
mas rindu izz
mas syg izz banyak2...
i love u baby...
Masturah @ 1:26 AM