hey ppl... i'm so sleepy from this evening..
niways... today seems to be a short day... went to sch alone in the morning.. baby was suppose to send me but he wanted to sleep longer so i decided to go off with mar n nisa. they told me that they will wait for me at woodlands but when i reach there, they were gone.. i cant blame them cos i came super late.. i woke up late actually... how can i not wake up late when i dun have my phone with me.. no alarm clock...
i reach sch 20min late... omg! but thank god my teacher came much later, still can go to coop to buy snack.. hahah... lesson was boring...
ended lesson half an hour early and the six of us decided to eat out since we have 2hr break before the seminar... btw, the six are.. me, mar, sera, ilah, fath and irfaan.... we ate at Bagus, imm...
went back to sch, me and fath went for etp meeting first since we are exco member.. aft the short meeting we meet the rest of the member at the foyer to go to dover ite for the seminar..
so went to dover for the business seminar, clementians conquer 1/3 of the auditorium.. we banking students took up one row... we haad 3 speakers and it boring... we like falling asleep and cannot take it anymore and decided to do something.. so i start to disturb ilah, sera and mar... we were like playing a fool and making jokes... laughing like mad, until we dun feel sleepy at all.. hhaha.. one funny joke i made, if u r bored go K.J and smell it... hahahahhaha... those who were there would noe what i mean... hahaha, freaking funny looking at how we reacted when we pretend to smell the K.J... hahahahaha
we took 963 back to woodlands... called mum to fetch me.. i walked arnd with nisa for awhile then waited at the main entrence for my parents alone..
me and my parents decided to go back yishun to buy me a phone. i was planning to get a cheap phone n if its old fashion also i dun care, at least i can make a call or sms... so we went to second hand shops... looked at nokia.. suddenly this china phone caught my eyes.. hahah... so i bought that china phone... cool looking and cheap for a phone with such features.. bought it for $150... price still ok la... can put 2 sim card, 2 memory card, have tv, radio, mp3, mp4, camera of 1.3pix and bluetooth.. have yet to discover more... the good thing is but dead hp memory card is 1gig and can fit into my phone... yay! now i got 3 memory card... the one given in my new phone is 512mb split into 2 memory card...
so than we went for dinner at north point... i told mum that izz mum works there... and guess what!?! my mum wants to meet her! and we did went to the shop where she worked! omg.. hahaha.. ya, they talked.. general stuff.. dad was there too.. hahah... well, mum talked bout the food and when we abt to go, mum said to her... 'tegur kan budak2 nie ye'... hahaha... i was scared shit and shock that mum want to meet.. hahaha... wow! my mum met baby's mum!
niways we ate at the food court.. wanted to eat nasi bryani but the q damn long, so we ate chicken rice... hahhaa... than went to look ard and bought alot of snack.. went there feels like went to shop at pasar malam.. hahhaa.. than we head home..
niways, just to make this happy announcement... i lost more WEIGHT!!! lost abt 2 kg and that makes me 72kg.. it dropped from 74... hahah.. wow... weird though, been eating kfc alot w baby... i dun even work out..
did'nt meet baby today.. u can see for urself why.. hahaha.. missing him.. hahahah.. omg! i need to clean my room...
kk, i go now... bye.. i love you baby izzy... muacks..
Masturah @ 9:53 PM

i'm home... hmm.. went out with baby just now... today wasnt a good day... we had a so call argument and we almost go to our seperate ways... was it his fault that things happen this way or is it me for being narrow... i dunno, maybe time shall tell... it happened and hope will never again...
i almost left without saying goodbye with tears rolling down... but he came to me. i noe he dun noe how to console me when i'm angry.. but he tried.. but not good enuf.. he almost lost me... if its not for my love towards him,i would have left taking any bus that came.. i thought he would just walk away..but tha fact that he came to me makes me think twice...
we talk things out and he made promises that i hope he wont brake it... i really dun want to leave but the incident made me feel like its not worth to stay anymore... i gave it a second chance... i gave another thought to it.. we reconcile soon aft yet with tears rolling down on my cheek... but i was hurt by that incident...
niways reconciled, we went to have dinner at banquet and met his aunt.. than bought tidbits at cold storage... we walked to somewhere and sit.. baby kept on saying not to leave him... i wont cos i still love him but i am dissappointed.. who would'nt be mad at such situation.. i hope he wont take me for granted... he hugged..
we realise we dun do hanky panky anymore, at least not so often... i surprise that we both ok with it. cos to me if in a relationship needs sexual pleasure mean it just need each other body... if its really call love, we dun even have to touch each other to noe we love each other... its good that we lessen such things cos its not healthy...
we walked to adm and i took the train back home... baby gave me a good long hug before i leave...
he told me what his mum said about me.. she said i look real innocent and pretty.. i dunno bout the pretty part... hahha... but she told him not to hurt me...
baby i love you so much... i hope things will get better and u dun take me for granted..
kk, i go now... yay! sch starts at 10 tmr.. bye... i miss my phone...
Masturah @ 12:02 AM