heyhey... went for the doctor's appointment ytd with izz.. its a great new cos i'm fine already... the bacteria infection did not hit my kidney... only thing is to finish up my med and go to the skin centre for a follow up...
hmmm... things arent gg smooth these days.. i was just hoping that my whole family will endure all this trouble and stay strong.. haiz.... fasting starts tmr and new shedule is cuming up... i hope everyone can cope w it.... dear god, please help us through this difficult time...
i'm so greatful that i have izz by my side all the time when i'm in trouble... been out w him everyday... the other day went to watch 'UP'.. so cute and lovely... i love it... than we went around town and took the bus back to yishun...
we have spent alot of time togather this week, seriously... hahahaha... i can never be bored w him... got a lil crazy and kinda went over board... we learnt to tolerate and get over it.. hahaha, made him pissed for a while, but he cool off and made me smile again... he never fails to make my day...
things has gotten better between the both of us... i'm so fortunate for that... i love him so much and i felt its never enuf by just telling him... he is my everything... he is like my bantal busuk! hahahaha... i just cant get enuf of him... i want to be in his armpit... ahahhaa... wat am i crapping?? i'm getting crazy these days... izz is my witness, more like he is the one who diagnosed me with crazy disease and it is infectious that it is infecting him too... hahaha...
niways, on my way back home from miting him, i took the bus 969.. i sat at the back row.. at the other end, there is a couple of matreps... i was minding my own business... they suddenly got fidgity and so jumpy... i heard they say "go ask la" and than 1 of them call a their friend who sitted infront... all like so excited... suddenly one of his friends ask me.. "kak, are u attached or single?" i smile and say "i'm attached"... hahahahaha... they so paiseh... funny, they should be paiseh to call me "kak" to begin with... idiots... watever...
k la, i better go now... bye...
Masturah @ 8:31 PM