i'm at indonesia

hey everyone... right now i am not in singapore right now.. i'm at Indonesia, Bogor.
my flight took off at 8.25pm singapore time. i landed safely in indonesia at 9pm local or rather 10pm sing. the time here is 1 hr early, so right now, i'm one hour younger than you guys. so the flight was good, the take off was kinda scary cos we r seated somewhere at the back, the gravity pull is heavier. the plane turn too much, really dizzy. than somewhere in the middle of the flight, we had a bad turbulance. was so bad that the water in the cup spill. was funny though, my aunt was shock when the plane shook that she scream. hahaha... the landing was smooth but was really fast, thank god i fasten my seat belt or i'll be falling forward. it was real fast.
we did'nt eat much cos we need to buy on the spot, its jet star asia. besides, we had a quick dinner at burger king. we took the flight at terminal 1 and terminal 1 is nice.. hehehe... my bro bought duty free cigarette... huge box, see it for urself in the pics later.
in the flight, they gave us banana muffin and plain water. we bought coffee and cashew nuts. all the way in the flight, i was busy, filling up white immigeration card for myself, my mum and my granny. was busy chatting with my family and eat that i did'nt realise the time. that 1 hr plus trip was really short, i did'nt even have the time to seat back and relax. my third bro, abg faizal was scared cos its his first flight ever. hahhaha, his reaction was real funny... he was got tensed up. hahah, he went to sleep in mid air. i got to admit, its a rough flight for a first timer. rough turbulance, lots of turning and bumpy ride.. hahaha.. but i love it...
touched down at indonesia, jakarta on time, no delays. we pass the immigeration than met my bro, abg im wife to be uncle. he fetch us at the airport. there were 9 of us btw. me, mum, dad, abg im, abg faizal, nyai(granny), cik nor, cik jamil and cik ghani. we took the two car and ride to Bogor. it was like 1hr plus. was tiring. the car damn huge and tall... see in the pic la k...
reached Bogor, we checked in into the hotel, called Salak. its a 5 star hotel. damn its real nice. real cool. i took pics of it, so u go see la k. we have 4 rooms. me, mum and granny 1 room. than next door is dad and cik ghani. our room is connected. opposite is cik nor and her husband cik jamil. my bro room is up stairs.
the wedding that will take place in august will be in this very hotel. although its dark,the pool side looks nice. the wedding reception in aug will be at the pool side.
at mid nite singapore time, i manage to call baby.. we omly get to talk for two min plus. sad sia! our conversation got cut half way. only manage to send one msg. apperently, all other hp ppd is running low. so i cannot contact him for now. tmr i will top up my indon number. missing him already. btw, for ur information, i bring my lappy along with me.. hehehe..
i love my baby izzy so much, btw in the morning i manage to meet baby. but only for a while. get to hug and kissed him for the last time. when i reach airport baby called me. we keep on talking for a while than put down. we called each other i think like 3 to 4 times. he sound so sad. he did'nt want me to go. he was persuading me not to go.. haha.. so cute la him. i really love him la.. he gave me his elmo again. and i'm wearing his jaket rite now. he was like sweating alot in this jaket. may be disgusting but he left his smell. i'm missing baby, wish he is here with me. but absence make the heart grows fonder. yeah man, it sure did when i left for batam 2 weeks ago.
k la, i stop here. i'm really really tired. health check, not really good. my throat hurts again. i think its the weather. i need to sleep.... bye... check out the pic k...
Masturah @ 2:12 AM