amended... n i'm sorry... i'm just so mad... so so mad.... freaking mad... guess u would noe y...
Masturah @ 11:45 PM

i'm so sick right now.. i just came back from the doctor... got mc for tmr... i'm having flu... dun worry, its not swine flu..
niways aft school went to meet my baby at his hse.. rested there... at 3pm went out to eat at kfc... than hang out at the library.. i feel so sick when i was at the library.. called my parents to fetch me... aft they fetch me i we went to our family doctor...
i'm feeling so sick...
no no.. i'm not willing to share... i love my baby... is it gg to be over???? i wish i'm dead...
Masturah @ 8:22 PM

heyhey.. i'm in sch rite now...
last night slept so early.. i was having bad headache... i think i slept at 10plus and woke up at 5.30 am.. hehehe.. baby called me, but i didnt wake up... than he called again than talk for awhile.. i was half asleep i guess.. tired la.. went to meet him this morning before gg to sch to pass him my stuff... hehe.. get to kiss him n he morning.. feel good.. i'm mising him la...
niways ytd lunch went out with my friends to eat at clementi central.. we bought ananas cafe... tapao n eat at one of the void deck.. too bad the cafe doesnt have tables and chairs.. the food is good.. i ate nasi lemak... hahaha, here is the picture...

cos i went home pretty early, not to meet my baby izzy... so i have to have my own dinner.. my wallet is empty... since there is spegetti sauce from domino and some speggeti... than when i look into the freezer, found some prawns and dory fillet... so i decided to use them all.. i cook!!! wohoo... taste goody goody... wheeee... here are the picture..
wow.. my lesson ended already.. its not even 1hr.. its suppose to be a 2 hr lesson.. my lecturer postponed again the damn test n only go tru 1 slide of lesson.. gerek kepe..
niways i think i'm falling sick.. my head hurts n my nose hurts.. dunno la, but i feel the symptoms already...
yay!! my lesson end already, gg to meet baby at his house.. lepak for awhile than go to the gym at woodlands.. kk, i go now.. bye..
i love my baby izzy so much.. muacks..
Masturah @ 10:10 AM