my classmate intro me to this song... its really cute!!! i love it so much.. so nice la... the starting abt weird la.. wait till the music start than u'll get addicted... nice nice.. love it.. niways i dedidate this song to my baby izzy.. hehhehe... enjoy!!!!
Nobody - Wondergirls
Masturah @ 11:01 PM

heyhey.. today was erm.. okok la... went to sch as per normal.. start at 8 today.. did our pbl 2 presentation nlike finally done... the funny part was, we were nervous cos of our substance... to disipate this fear, we all talk abt gg out next week.. planning n stuff instead of talking abt what to present.. than aft presentation all of us stop the planning... hahaha...
niways last night i was so tired that i went to bed early.. baby msged but i was sound asleep.. was supper tired... slept all the way till morning... hahha.. but at sch still sleepy...
can say today the whole day no lecture... first lesson was just presentation.. than the folllowing two lesson no lecturer... so all of us do our assignment which is a part of our revision for next week's ca.. didnt go out for lunch with my buddy cos i still have nt completed my work.. than i decided to acc nisa to clementi central to buy gifts for raudah who is now hospitalised... we were like gg ard to find basket to make fruit hamper... than we found a floral shop.... so we bought the fruits n butter cookie and request for the floral to wrap for us... n its nice.... whee... mar n nisa went to visit her.. i didnt follow cos the security so tight n i'm still sick... scared it might be a wasted trip...
this is the basket of fruits that we got for here... with the classic butter cookie...

niways went for the vocal training.. i was so tired n was tired n falling asleep half the time... i dunno y i was so freaking sleepy... even while singing i can fall asleep.. i guess it was real boring... whenever i sit, i willl dose off... ahhaha... end training early...
was suppose to meet baby but cancel... than decided to go home... but suddenly i remembered that since i got free time n i got the money, why dun i do something that i wanted so badly... so i did.. woohooo.... i go cut my hair... yay! i just did some trimming n wash... so the lady told me its $16.. half way she suggested me have a hair treatment n she'll give discount... she offered me $30 for the whole service... i was like.. wow, thats cheap... so yes, i did have a hair treatment... now i feel good with my hair.. i can fulfill my baby's wish.. hehehe... but my hair still long...
niways this weekend i'll be fully booked.. i'll be away for a competition called ASEC- Global Enterprise Challenge which is happening at SMU... its a ASEAN Science Enterprise Challenge 2009.. i was selected to represent my school tru my cca.. its like from 8.30am to 9.30pm... n sunday will be another fully booked day... sian... my weekend is burned... cant study for my coming ca exam... jialat... niways in this comp, if we win n got first position, we will be gg Bali to compete GLOBALLY.. wow! but if i make it to the finals, i cant go Bali cos it will bw clashed with the student seminar event.. yepp...
sian, wont be meeting my baby till next week i guess... i told him that i want to go away from him for a while cos i'm having exam... i dun want to have anymore bickering that will distract me from my exam... so i guess will meet him after next week... maybe he'll send me to dhoby ghout tmr morning... but thats a maybe... tmr n sunday baby is having his tchoukball tournament... sian, i cant go there to support him... he was like mad at me but than i cant do anything... both of us having equally important competition... so sorry baby... i love you n i'll support you from far k... i'll make up to u...
k la.. i gtg.. bye... i love my baby izzy...
Masturah @ 9:57 PM