here is two favourite song.... from Sergey Lazarev n Smash... enjoy!!!!
this is sang in russian version... they have the english version but i think this one is better in russian than in english... but if u want to hear the translation, here is the link,www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfAyuUGqk20
its really a touching song.. lyrics so powerful.. love it
this is called Belle its a song played in the play called Notre Dam de Paris... Smash sang it in French version.. here is the original with translation if u r interested... really love it... soooo nniiiccceee... so haunting... heheh... enjoy!
Masturah @ 11:29 PM

last night slept at 5.30am... ok, not night la, its freaking 5.30 in the morning.. only those who knew would noe y i slept that late..
niways last night made a hot discovery.. damn i'm so in love with him.. he is freaking hot n sexy!!! droolz.. hahahah... i love his song!!! his name is Sergey Lazarev, a singer from russia.. he was from a boyband called Smash... they were so sexy, tot they were gay... really Sergey voice is melting me... so sexy... love him love him love him.. voice damn sexy!!!
these r some of the song that i've heard... so nice.. some r Smash's some r Sergey's song
- just because you walk away
- everytime
- would you cry for me
- belle [russian version damn nice] its from the play called Notre Dam de Paris
- obsession
- lost without ur love
here r the picture

i'll update more ltr when i reach home.. i'm in sch now.. lesson ended liao... hehehhehe.. byeee...
Masturah @ 2:05 PM

i guess this song sums up everything...
Masturah @ 12:30 AM