heyhey... been sleeping in the living room lately cos the newly wedd took my room cos they havent got their new home... its understandable... i like it in the livivng room... dunno y feel so cosy... thnk god the tv is spoilt so my "room" is quiet and the whole living room is mine... cos i spent most of my time alone in the room last time, now, i always come home late and when i get back home, i do my stuff and go to sleep... its amazing how comfortable and how fast i fall aslee in the couch... when i'm in the room, i couldnt sleep that easily... i love my life living in the living room.. i became more purposeful cos i dun idle and daydream not doing anything anymore... hahahaha... wat crap am i talking.. its true ppl say i'm getting weirder everyday...
niways ytd had NAPFA test... had fun this time round... went for the 2.4km run... cool la, i find that the journey not as long as previously... i made it through.. yay... its over and done with finally...
ended napfa so early and continue do project at clementi maccy which happens to be ilah's bf workplace.. cos he is a rider, so we were looking at him as he is sitting w the rest of the rider, the rest all tot we were looking at them n they kept looking inside and look at us.. one of them caught my eyes.. hahahaha... watever...
i left at 12 and went to izz homey... was so tired, i fall asleep.. so good to sleep in his arm.. so warm and nice... we left at 4 for SOCCER!!!wooohhhoooo... had so much fun.. aft a while we decided to play at the field infront of his hse... i ran arnd like crazy... he is nt tat active cos he just recovered... was having fun than got one cat came and spoil the dat by pooping in the middle of the field... argh... idiot...
we stop playing than go to his hse to change, talk to his mum for a while and left... we walk at the pasar malam.. and he decided to walk me to 969 bustop... wheeee.... than i went home at 8pm...
today gg to watch movie with him... yay!!!! hmmm, tmr i have appointment for check up at TTSH.. its at 10., so i gt to skip sch... izz promised to accompany me since my mum cant make it...
this morning in the bus... i dunno y suddenly my mind drift n thought of my late bro who left less than a yr ago.. when i thought of him, i cried, i tried to hold back, but it came rolling down.... haiz... i miss him so much.. i wish he was still here to witness the wonderful wedding... to help me out to make cookies for hari raya that is coming up soon, he always come to help me out... abg, i really missed you... all i could offer right now is 'al-fatihah'... i wish him peace in heaven...
k la, i go now... i'm so hungry... i miss my bro and i love izzuddin so much... bye...
Masturah @ 9:56 AM