heelloooo... i'm still sick... haiz... but i did the unthinkable in this condition today... hahak...
went out to meet my baby at abt 4plus... met him at adm... had our meal at kfc.. bought buddy meal... after eating, we went to the nearest park and rest there... he tot me how to play a game in his nintendo...
while i was playing, he did some parkouring.. suddenly he made me jump! i was hesitant initially cos there is alot of ppl and got so many kids as we r at a playground... but in the end i did it.. its just a jump to another platform... i fell cos my knees r weak... like duh, i did'nt warm up n i'm sick... hahahak.. than we decided to go to another park...
at this other park, play arnd the fitness coner.. than we went to this area that have this long platform... so we walk on it... we make me jump on one leg along that narrow platform.. make me jump off from that platform to the bench... best of all, he make me do it with my eyes CLOSE! omg, its scary.. but he wants me to believe in myself n trust my guts n mind... and i did it...
aft all that warm up... i'm not only warm but i'm heating up real bad that i sweat so much.. had fun though.. he told me how the tchouck ball training was... hahak.. funny n hard...
niways we went over to another playground... was just playing with the elements.. he make me jump here, jump there... the best part right? i wasnt in a proper attire... i was wearing my jeans n slipper... but i did it anw.. he was wearing a slipper too... but most of the time we were bare footed...
here comes the unthinkable... we went to this playground... there is the bar... pretty low.. its just above knee height... i jump over the bar!!!! omg.. i cant believe i did it!!!! i was sooo happy that i jusp around like mad girl... hahak... baby was constantly giving me support... than i did another stunt... there is this bench.. its low but wide... n i manage to jump over it!!!! wohoooo!!!!! than there is this 2 balancing bar... i manage to jump over it.. it was my dream to jump over it... but i have yet to master it... i need more confidence... after all the practice.. baby made me do a test n i pass it.. wohhooooo... was ssooo happy..
than we went to the 7-11 to buy water... i was so damn thirsty n was so dizzy... after went for a drink... we walk around.... we saw this above knee height railing.. guess what? i did it again.. i jump over it... was like so happy..
walk arounf again.. than came across this railing.. the normal railing that ppl use to walk up slop... guess what again... after much persuasion... i did it again... wohhoooo... that was the best... i manage to conquer my fear.... for a first timer n second time trying.... baby told me i achive beyond expectation.... woohhoooo... he told me not many girls can do it.. n his proud that i could do it under his training... yay.. now our everyday meet is gg to be more parkouring session with him.. wooohhhoooo...
had so much fun with him.. everytime he wants me to do an obstacle... which i had fear with... i always complain.. "why r u asking me to do the impossible?"... hahakk... but in the end i did it and felt so great... doing parkouring is a stress reliever... it felt good... we escaped reality for awhile.... we get to forget all the troubles we both facing... all the fight we had especially last night... we were ourself.. we r parkouring n putting all sorrow n sadness aside... wheeee... i achieve jumping over the bars n railings!!!!! wooooowhheeeeeeyyyaaaawhheeeewooooo... hahahak...
took the first 969 that came.... i was so tired... gave him a hug n kiss him that left... i took a sit n search my bag... huh! guess what? my phone is not there... than i realised my phone is in his bag... cos initially since his bag is bigger than mine, he put my pouch in his bag so i dun have to carry it... hahak.. so i remembered i put it in his bag n forgot to take it since the bus came so fast... but nvm la... he can contact me tru my mum's phone...
we had our own name... 'dragon slayer'... hahak... he did it with action... n he make me do it aft achiveing a new stunt... hahahakk.. he got that from the latest survivor series.. it was quote by the coach... hahak...
took some pics... too bad.. my phone is not with me.... next time k...
k la.. gtg... need to settle my project... than gg to take my med n go sleep... tired sia! shall talk for awhile on the phone with my baby today.. i need to rest.. k la... bye...
hey babe, i hope u'll move on n forget him if its the time for u to let go... but for now, for ur sake, i'll let u have him... just this distance.... dun take him away.. he is still mine... i'll let u have wat u need for now... be strong k girl... dun be too stress out....
Masturah @ 9:36 PM

i want to cry!!!! i hate it when i'm sick.. i'll be cranky.. irritating man... baby talked to me otp... good anuf he acc me throughout this afternoon... i'm gg to meet him now.. bye... i love him like crazy... wanted to leave him but he just wouldnt let me go...
Masturah @ 2:33 PM

hey.. i'm not in sch cos i'm sick... gosh my nose hurts and my head is spinning...
niways i noe its not ur fault.. i noe how harsh ur life can be... everyone have to face it.. i lost my bro 5 mth ago in a freak accident... everyone felt the lost.. i'm not saying anything.. i just want to share... everyone will face troubles in life.. its just a matter of how u gg to handle it.. just keep ur head high and breathe as much as u can... hey babe, after every storm, there'll be a rainbow... dun give up on life too easy.. what dun break u will make u stronger... face it with faith and be strong... i'm not saying u should leave him and infact what i just said is not relating to him at all.. make the best of what u have.. here is a song for u.. i hope u'll feel better..
Masturah @ 10:33 AM