i just got this from my face book... a 'fortune teller' says that "your great attention to detail can be a blessing and a cursed"... its so true i say... i do have the ability to seek out for details... its at my advantage on my academic side... but on another part of my life its really suck.. i realised so much details n i found out truth too soon before they could ever tell me... sometimes i hate to have instinct.. whats the point of living a life when u noe things before hand.. no fun it sucks, it hurts...
the worst part is i cant do anything at my position.. i can only hide myself n cry, be mad, be so upset.. cos for the fact that we cant change the fact.. its really sucks... right now, my situation is so trapped... i can do anything... i'm not in the position to do anything... i can be hurt... but to tell the person abt i felt? do they even care? am i gg to keep it to myself abt noeing the truth?
ytd i found out something... it hurts... but than i dun think i can do anything about it... i kept thinking abt it the whole morning while i was at work.. i got bad headache... when i meet them, i could only put up a smile n treasure the time i have with them.. but when i look away, i can only drop some tears n wipe it.. than i put up a smile n be 'happy'... its getting clueless.. its getting dizzying... i'm tired...
for now, to make myself focus on things i should be focusing is.. whenever i tot of the truth n get upset, i'll put a coin n my stitchy bank... than i wrote a letter abt my unhappiness n put it inside... until i find the right time, i tell them the truth... u noe, whenever i got upset or i feel so hurt n sick in my heart, i could feel my blood gushing through my veins in my palm n it gave a shock in my finger tips.. than my fingers will go numb for a while...
ppl told me i look sick n depressed.. this is probably cos of my great attention to details... though i found more n more details, i still couldnt let go... i am killing me... i hope they knew how i felt... i feel so dizzy right now... i dunno how or should i walk out of this situation... u guys mean so much to me to let go.... only they noe who i am refering to... maybe not abt who i'm refering to... i just want ppl to noe wat i'm experiencing right now... thats all..
Masturah @ 2:33 PM

i'm going to end school in an hour time... well, i got to noe that all of us have a place for attachment... there are 4 companies... efusion, global marketing, bank of china n uni dunno what.. bank of china only recruit 4 chinese students... uni recruit only 5 females, efusion recruiting 30 n the rest will go to global marketing... n i am sent to efusion... the sucks part of it is, none of my friends will be with me... they r all at global marketing... sian!!! but hey at least i got a place for attachment... thank god.. niways all three companies accept bank of china is a call centre... my company will be at raffles place... mon to fri, 9am to 7pm.. the gerek part is... my company got damn alot of break in a day... at least 4 breaks for a day.. cool huhl.. basic pay is 400, internship what, what can u expect... n if i hit high sales target, i will earn commission... but than, i heard call centre's job is tough... well, i got 5 month attachment, gg to find out what's it like there... just did my resume, gg for the interview for the job is next month i think.. shit! i'm scared, but this friday we have interview training.... they even plan to have make up course.. make up to look professional... yupp... wish me all the best k ppl.. bye...
Masturah @ 1:55 PM

hey there peeps.... been busy over the weekend with work n stuff...
have not mention that my parents just had another foodstall running at another construction site n now that makes it 3 stall for now... may not be good profit for now but for future earnings, the future is bright... the new stall is at pasir ris... its the construction of livia condominium... another 5 year project..
i've been working there.. it was great.. got to make the place stable first before leaving to fully just facilitate than handling on our own... so, on sat, i was working at pasir ris.. lots of work though so many workers... tiring... but fun cos all of us will work hrd to end everything by 8pm... got my pay n feel happy... hahaha... than on sunday which is yesterday, i went to work at the other stall, at pasir panjang.. the labour management sucks cos the fella who suppose to turn up for work just basturd us.. asshole.. yupp, make us all work double n fucking tired... but well, work n the pay i got is fulfilling.. so no complain though it may seem a dirty or filthy job... but it is damn well my family earning and hard work.. its my family blood n sweat to tears... its my damn well family business... hah!
so... on sat met izz after work... he came down to wdlands, he said he wanted to give me sumthing... so went for dinner, hang arnd for awhile than got to go cos i got work the next morning.... niways i bought his mum bandito cos izz told me she was craving for it... yupp...
than yesterday izz fetch me from harbour front... izz, i'm so sorry for making you wait damn long for me to finish my work... well, we have a bad situation that was we end kinda late... what do u expect, at pasir panjang only me n mum doing all the work, my dad had to got to pasir ris to replace that idiot who didnt turn up... over there is just my bro n granny n they need help cos they haveto sell drinks too... so u noe y we were late.. so sorry.. hahak
niways we had lunch at maccy... than went to GV to buy ticket to watch HARRY POTTER!!!!!! wohooo... we got 3 hrs b4 e movie cos earlier tix are fully booked... we went arnd n we found STITCH!!!! cute giler... i bought it for myself with my own earning, i hardly do that.. izz wanted me to pamper myself for once... hahaha.... than we lepak at the rooftop...
movie end at 10 plus... we took the bus to wdlands, than i took the train to yishun n took cab cos its soo late n i'm tired... i reached home 2 min b4 midnite.. hahahha... damn tired...
k la, i stop here... here is the pic of my cute little stitch...

Masturah @ 10:21 AM