these are the pictures for today...

Masturah @ 10:54 PM

heyhey.... what a dae!!! i woke up late again!!!!! this time round woke up at 7.50am!!! i am suppose to wale up at 7am!!! i took 10 min to get ready than i dashed out of the house... took the cab obviouly... reached sch kinda late but my teacher came later.. damn lucky... wtf!!! y the hell i did'nt wake up sia!!! i got 32 missed calls from my mum n mar... i got a shock of my life when i saw that miss call cos i noe thats it, i'm late...
so in sch had lesson which is okok la.. brought my lappy along to show the wedding pics to mar n frens... during banking ops class, we had a art and craft session.. lol... we create our own passbook... its like nnniiiccceeee.. hehehe
ended sch at 1pm... i skipped etp meeting cos i needed to do something for my mum... so i went to do the stuff she told me than go meet syg at his house... he use my lappy than i went to sleep... hahahha... than we played games just before we left... miss playing the games with him.. it was a great match against him... hahahah... a quick one though..
than we went down to the void deck to play soccer... i just anyhow kick n he do the tricks.. it was so fun... hahaha... but not so fun part is i was wearing my banking uniform n its like skirt n i wore his slipper... uncomfortable but i enjoyed the game... played panelty n i score more goals than him.. hehehe...
than his mum came home, i wanted to leave my syg told me to follow him go up... so the 3 of us went up... he went to take a shower cos swear to god he was sweating like a ____. hehehehehe... so, me n his mum had a small chat... showed her the wedding pics.. heard their little squabble n she complain to me abt his attitude.. hahaha...
we left the house.. went to woodland mart to buy something for his mum.. than went maccy to eat fries n vanila cone.. wth, the internet there is not in use... so we left and lepak at a playground for a while.. mum called... so i decided to make a move.. we went to the bustop... missed two bus... than go back home...
went to the shop to collect my skirt.. damn i dun like it... bought panadol... it was so expensive... boring sia...
niways talk otf w my syg... we fight in a cute way.. ahahhahhaha... spent a short time w him today.. miting him tmr first thing in the morning to give him a good kiss.. hahhaha.. no la... to pass my lappy...
saaayyyaaannggg!!!! i love u la.... lets play soccer again.. i want to parkour again... heheheheh... y la i love u this much? y? y? y? cooosssss... u'r soo lovable n sweet.. i cant stay mad at u for too long.. but i am mad at u every now n then over small things... wth.. hahhaha.. what the hell am i crapping??? hahahah... i'm just loving my sayang sooo muchhhh.... hhehehehhe
i dunno y, but i can smell my ex perfume everywhere these few daes.. like wth... told syg abt it, he make me smell his armpit.. hahhahahha... his bolster smells better.. hahhahha... smelling my ex makes me remind of him and i dun like it... hmmm... need to smell my syg every now n then la...
k la k la... i go now... i noe la i'm crazy... bye la... wth is wrong w me? i'm a little down today though...
Masturah @ 9:26 PM

these are the photo we took on mon n tuesday.. btw, we were'nt drinking alcohol n got drunk.. we were drinking rooty beery... hhhehehehehe... these photos were taken after the incident and the conversation we had.... after all that shit and fight... we settled things n these is how we loook like...

Masturah @ 1:07 AM

hey there... i'm am soooo happyyy now if u may ask... hhehehe.. niways i'm updating abt 5 may 09... hehehehehe
soooo.... aft the previous post, went for s.w.. was so hot and he had to run 2 rounds arnd the sch! but than the fun part comes next... i played badminton!!! soooo funnnn.. hahahaha... dunno why suddenly i can hit all the cock unlike last time.. i used to struggle to hit a single cock... the game today was good..
than went to mit syg aft sch... went home first cos i left his key at my home.. he left it with me the day b4... hahha.. so i rush to his house to open the gate... than we went out... took the bus to causeway point... freaking hot sia the weather..
reach causeway, went to eat ljs bought 3 piece chicken and we share the plate... than we went to walk around cwp... than baby wanted to change his shoe n i wanted to change out of my sch skirt.. so we decided to went into the 3rd floor nursing room... it was nice n they have cubicles... inside got 1 single sofa n a table.. so we went in n lock ourself... suddenly ppl came in... than its like 1 family come in than 1 fam go out than another one... we were stuck there in that cubicle for like half an hour. did'nt want to go out cos scared ppl see... than we heard this malay family outside... they like dun want to go out... took so long to finish watever they r doing.. baby couldnt take it anymore than we decided to go out no matter what happen... so we prepare and walk out... n guess wat, the family got one makcik.. damn it so paiseh!!! confirm they think we did something that we did not.. he was just changing his shoe n i change out of my skirt... hahahaha
than went out of cwp... my bag spoil so went to his house to change my bag... n guess what i did??? i did parkour!!! wohoo... baby coach me on how to do it.. i admit its hard.. the hardest part is to conquer the fears... i had fear of height n missfooting.. but than believe it or not i did it.. the feeling was great!!! the first training is to jump down stairs.. i start small... so we were like jumping down every staircase down from lvl 7 to 1... than went arnd neighbourhood to do some more parkour... than there was one staircase, i jumped n i fell cos i landed wrongly and i push my body overshot so i fell forward... than another one i fell when i land cos suddenly my knees are weak.. too tired i guess...
there was one part where we walk tru a carpark.. it was dark.. suddenly baby stepped on something.. he tot it was a wood thats y he just step on it.. but its actually dead rats!!! omg!!! aarrgghhhh eeewwww... we walk like everywhere n we both were like sweating like mad.. hahaha... we bought a drink which is in glass bottle... it was empty... baby told me to throw it n makea speech b4 that... my speech was... "may our relationship last forever".. than i throw but i did'nt break.. than he threw w the speech "i love masturah" hahahaha...
i took the bus home from his area... i had so much fun with my baby today... it felt like we were bestfriends that does things togather... i like it this way... something productive... at least i can get in shape... hahaha... there is a few obstacle that i did'nt complete... i'm so sorry baby... i was still scared... well its my first time... baby was so supportive of me... he got the patients to wait for me to jump cos i was scared.. i was dissappointed that i was scared to do the obstacle.. baby hugged me n said, "its ok, i'm proud of u"... i hurt my foot a couple of times.. n now my thigh is hurting n my whole body hurting... it was soooo mucchhh fuunn today...
i love my baby soooo muuucchhh... despite of what just happen, we manage to work things out... we r trying to mend our mistakes slowly togather with the help of each other...
now, i'm adjusting myself to call him sayang instead of baby for some reasons... so baby n syg is the same ppl k..
got lectured by mum just now... i'll mend my way k... niways tmr meeting baby again.. yay!!!!
sayang... i love you so much no matter what happens...
k la, i betterstop here cos i need to sleep... bye...
Masturah @ 12:23 AM