i'm missing my baby so much... didnt mit him for a day on a weekend is terrible... i want him now... i love him so much..
Masturah @ 10:31 PM

heyhey... i just got back from meeting my friends...
was suppose to work this morning... i went to sleep super late... i think i slept 3 plus close to 4.. was tired... i got shock when i woke up cos i saw the window so bright... the first thing came to my mind was.. "shit! i'm late for SCHOOL!!!".. hahahaha... than after 10second than i realised its sunday...hahhaaa... than i realise, crap, mum didnt woke me up for work.. its okla, my bro covered my place... this week did'nt work.. but luckily mum left some money for me... hehe...
i woke up at 9plus... got bad headache than went back to sleep... woke up at 11... did some research than went to shower at 12 n go out... today i went to meet my friends to do our project which due tonite at 11.59pm... so ya... hahaha... met mar at adm than took the train to boonlay... was suppose to meet at 2pm.. but was delayed n we went to eat first while waiting for the rest...
i was worried that we couldnt do our project cos of our conflict that happen abt 4 days ago... the conflict this time round was pretty harsh on mar... but when me, mar, ilah n sera meet... since i wasnt really in the conflict, i kept quiet... mar decided to do something cos she love all of us... n yay, we r all back to normal... i'm so glad the 4 of us could laugh like always.. these past few days was really harsh...
we went to jurong west library... sat at 3rd floor outside to entrence... cool space, nt much ppl walk past... so we have our space to talk loud n lay on the floor... hhahaha... with our team work, once again we complete our project.. wohooo.... fath wanted to come but he can only make it aft 5.. we finish at 4.30... so told him dun need to come...
we all than went to our seperate ways.. fido n hanif was there.. so ilah n sera went off first... me n mar hang around for abit than went off... i'm so glad to see the smile on mar's face... i had the longest bus journey ever... we took a bus i think its 178... forgot wat number... to woodlands... its like more than an hour ride.. i fell asleep as usual... than took 858 from wdlands int... than took 804 back home... was on the bus from 5 plus n reach home two hrs later... but i enjoy the ride... did some thinking... hhhahaa..
baby called me as soon as he reach home... was glad that he back home early... i guess the bus ride made me think deep n change my perception of certain things in life... i guess the bus ride was too long... hahah.. i love my baby izzy soooo mmuuucchhh... was glad to hear his voice...
hmmm... tmr i have 3 presentation back to back... and i have progress test... all is good... things left to be done is to study for my test... i was glad that i request for a crash course from mr lee... i told him honestly that i didnt pay attention in class n i decided to do something.. he was kind enuf to help me out.. so, thanks mr lee...
k la, i go study now... bye...
Masturah @ 7:55 PM

i hate her so much...
get ur own life!!
dun steal mine!!
Masturah @ 12:06 PM

heyhey... i noe its late... i just got back from a family gathering.. we went to sempang bedok to eat than head to changi beach... togather there r 4 cars n 1 motorbike... my dad was leading everyone... we told him we wanted to go to changi beach... but dunno y he suddenly so blur n drove us to east coast park.. hahahaha... cos of my granddad, we make a turn n go to the changi beach.. we reach there abt mid night... the atmosphere there is like 8pm.. hahah.. so many ppl... sang bdae song n cut the cake... laugh here laugh there than go home... i may or may not be working in 2 hrs time..
niways had an argument again with my baby... i asked for break up cos i couldnt take it anymore... it thought it was over... i still love him but than it hurts... guess i love him too much that i the whole situation becomes like this... i want to make it simple, break up n go silent.. i didnt want to look back.. cos i noe if i do, i wont be able to let him go... i told him that i'm sure he'll find a better girl than me... but than he said that i'm the best he ever had... its just that i did'nt realise how much he love me... he told me to call him... n i did.. he said he didnt want to break up cos he love me... he didnt want to let go of me... i thought it over... y shud i break up with him for some other girl... i thought it over... what the hell... so i decided not to let go... we'll decided to work things out..
we were arguing when i was with my family having dinner... i couldnt eat n i was holding my tears... cos its so hard for me to break up with him when i really love him so much.. i wanted the break cos i was too hurt n upset.. since he wanted to make friends to those girls so much than i let him have the rest n forget me... i didnt want to hold him back anymore... but than again i couldnt bear to break his heart.. when i called him, his voice were different... gosh.. i really love him so much.... y some ppl have to interfere in our relationship when they knew he is mine? its enuf these far... if it gg further than this, i guess i really have to be strong n leave him..
baby, i really really love u... u told me i'm the one u really love the most n u dun want to let go of me.. i hope u'll hold that promise hard enuf before i slipped off ur fingers in this difficult times... i'll have to trust u this time round... as much as u dun want to leave me, i cant bear to leave u either... i hope u'll keep ur promise... baby, i really love u... please dun hurt me this way again...
i want my baby now.. i want to hug him to sleep.. i want to have his smell like this morning... the smell of his bed.. i love sleeping on his bed... i love hugging his bolster.. it felt like hugging him... i want him now n i want him more than ever... even when u'r not on the bed, i felt like i was sleeping with u... baby, i want to be in ur arm badly... baby, i want to have ur kiss right now.. baby, i really love u.. i do...
k la.. i better go to sleep now... my head hurts.... gd nite or morning... bye...
Masturah @ 2:38 AM